Meet our people

Do you want to know what our colleagues with various backgrounds do at TOPIC, why they decided to work at TOPIC, and why they feel welcome in our working environment and projects? Check out one of the profiles below.

A Sense of community and teamwork are the support system that TOPIC provides

Gabriel Carrasquero | Software Developer at TOPIC

Working in the right team and project makes that I enjoy going to work every day

Jeroen Jacobs | Embedded Software Designer at TOPIC

I’m challenged on both technical and personal front

Patrick Oppelaar | Lead Engineer at TOPIC

Challenging work and personal development come first

Stefan Groenen | Project Manager at TOPIC

There is always an opportunity to learn while doing what I love

Annamarie Stanton | Hardware Architect at TOPIC

TOPIC makes me feel trusted and confident in my skills

Özge Kaya | Software Designer at TOPIC

There is a lot of flexibility to educate yourself

Gijs van Esch | Hardware Engineer at TOPIC

I get to work on challenging projects

Tom Verhees | Senior Software Engineer at TOPIC

We make sure to have the right job for our professionals

Henri Sormani & Duncan Stanton | Directors Consultancy/ Farm out & Projects at TOPIC

It is important to me that working for TOPIC is felt as being part of a family

Rieny Rijnen | Founder at TOPIC

Are you ready to take an innovative step into your future?

Hardware Architect

  • hardware development
  • Location Best

Roadmap to your TOPIC job

Are you ready to take an innovative step into your future?

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